Compact Cattleyas are great if you're looking to save space while adding a stunning array of flower colors to your collection. Plants stay under 12 inches tall and bloom in 4 to 5 inch pots. Our breeding program has produced a wide range of hybrids with a variety of flower colors and shapes to suit your tastes. These plants are adaptable to a wide range of cultural conditions, making them easy to grow and bloom.
SVO 28
Lc. Miss Wonderful 'SVO'
This is a clone of our best cultivar of this cross: (Lc. Mari's Song x L. anceps). This one has outstanding flower size, color, shape and presentation.
3” pots $25

SVO 9647
Blc. Golden Tang
(Blc. Waikiki Gold 'Lea' AM/AOS x Bl. Richard Muller '4N')
Very popular in the mid 1980's and 90's, Golden Tang went on to win 20 awards from the American Orchid Society. These will flower with orange/yellow starry shaped blooms. Plants are vigorous growers, and the sturdy stems present 3-4 flowers nicely.
3" pots $16

SVO 9712
(Pot. Carolina Splendor 'Krull's Ruby' AM/AOS x Slc. Seagulls Apricot 'Choice Morsel')
The impressive parents that produced Carolina Splendor (Pot. Waikiki Splendor x Blc. Oconee) will assure offspring having wide petals and a dark burgundy lip color. Combined with the fine shape and color of Seagulls Apricot (Slc. California Apricot x Soph. coccinea), the result will be wide petals, flattened flower shape, intensified color, and reduced plant size.
3" pots $18

SVO 9716
(Pot. Circle of Nine 'SVO Perfection' x Pot. Little Toshie 'Gold Country' AM/AOS)
The cross Circle of Nine brings together three excellent breeding lines: Slc. Circle of Life, Pot. Rubescence and Sl. Orpetii all are noteworthy parents. The addition of Pot. Little Toshie (Sc. Beaufort x Blc. Toshie Aoki) adds to the exceptional heritage. We are going to see very shapely flowers with red lips. Flower color will range from red to rose red, and plants will be small, blooming in 3" pots. We expect these will flower twice a year.
3" pots $18

SVO 9731
Bl. Yellow Bird
(Bl. Richard Muller '4N' x B. nodosa 'Mendenhall' AM/AOS)
Here is our version of the ever-popular Yellow Bird. These are showing excellent vigor, and some flowered even before this list was posted! Great plants to bloom in 3" pots.
3" pots $16

SVO 9833 NEW
(Blc. Rosebud 'Queen of Splash' HCC/AOS x Slc. Crimson Dragon 'Velvet Splash')
Rosebud (Blc Ronald Hausermann x Lc. Mini Purple) and Crimson Dragon
(Lisye Sentiasa x Durban Rose) have beautifully shaped flowers in shades
of purple with darker flares on the petals. This color combination of
purple on purple is not often seen, and we feel this needs to be
developed further, as it is a great look in Cattleyas. This might be the
perfect combination to further develop this line of breeding. Highly
3” pots $18

SVO 9849
(Lc. Dennis Olivas 'SVO Best' AM/AOS x Slc. Love Fresh 'Peter')
The big clusters of star-shaped flowers produced by Dennis Olivas (Trick or Treat x Penny Kuroda) are spectacular, and the yellow blooms with red flares really command attention. Love Fresh (Sc. Beaufort x L. briegeri) is a very cute mini-Catt with shapely bright yellow flowers and red lips. The compact plants form tight clumps of pseudobulbs with a small footprint. With this hybrid we are breeding down the plant size while keeping the good flower attributes. We expect that Love Fresh will transmit reduced plant size and compact growth habit, and Dennis Olivas will add good flower count, color and stem strength. Expect very cute, small-growing plants with showy flowers.
3" pots $16

SVO 9862 NEW
Lc. Miss Wonderful
(Lc. Mari's Song 'CTM 217' HCC/AOS x L. anceps 'Pink Inspiration' )
Wonderful has been a fantastic hybrid! These are strong-growing plants
and easy to bloom, with large flowers showing excellent flares on 12 to
18” long inflorescences. This is a particularly intriguing remake of
this consistently great cross. The use of L. anceps 'Pink Inspiration'
is expected to produce flat flowers. This has the potential to produce
some truly unique Miss Wonderfuls, and the best of these will be
unbelievable. Don't miss this one!
3” pots $16

SVO 9865
(Lc. Tokyo Magic '6-1' AM/AOS x Epc. Kyoguchi 'M. Sauno' 4N Mutation)
Tokyo Magic (Lc. Irene Finney x L. briegeri) has yellow flowers with a red lip and is a great breeder that's produced many successful hybrids. Tokyo Magic imparts good shape, strong stems, and a compact plant habit. Kyoguchi (Enc. aromatica x Gur. aurantiaca) blooms with branched inflorescences holding over 60 fragrant bright yellow flowers with yellow lips striped in red. Hybrids with Kyoguchi have a distinctive charm. The plants are compact growers with branched inflorescences holding many yellow flowers with red lips. It is very possible that these plants will have a fragrance. We will need to smell a few plants in flower to be sure!
3" pot $16

SVO 9870
Blc. Smart Lady
(Blc. Love Sound 'Dogashima' AM/AOS x L. anceps 'White Wonder')
Love Sound (Blc. Bouton D'Or x L. briegeri) is a proven breeding plant and has made a big contribution to the success of many SVO hybrids. It imparts good flower form, color, plant vigor, and a compact growth habit. L. anceps 'White Wonder' is one of the finest examples of this color form, and its wide, flat petals are almost without compare. With this hybrid we are expecting the yellow color of the Love Sound and the classic shape of the 'White Wonder' to dominate, resulting in arching stems of 4-5 flowers. This is a fun and cool style of breeding.
3" pots $18

SVO 9881 NEW
(Pot. Gene Crocker 'SVO Red' x Pot. Fantasy Circle 'Flaming Hot')
outstanding flower shape and color of this Gene Crocker (Pot. Newberry
Promise x Pot. Newberry Delight) caught our attention. It's a compact
grower just 8” tall with intensely red, full-formed flowers. Fantasy
Circle (Pot. Golden Circle x Slc. Angel's Fantasy) has ridiculously
well-shaped flowers with fantastic red and yellow flaring on the petals.
The flowers are 4” across - huge! The expectation is for large, dark
red flowers, many with yellow flaring on the wide petals. Plants will be
about 8” tall. We are anxiously waiting to see these bloom!
3” pots $18

SVO 9898
(Blc. Kaboom 'SVO' x Pot. What About Love 'Brilliant Gold')
Kaboom (Blc. Guess What x Blc. Schroder's Love) is a great plant with a compact growing habit, strong upright flower stems, and 6-7, large, well-arranged, bright-yellow flowers. This plant of What About Love (Blc. Guess What x Slc. Pure Love) was selected several years back, but not until now have we used it in breeding. Its long-lived flowers are an intense golden-yellow color, and the sturdy stems do a good job holding 5-6 well-arranged blooms above 8" tall plants. The flowers of this cross will be produced on upright stems of 5-6 blooms in bright vibrant orange-yellow, and plants will flower at just 8-10" tall.
3" pots $16

SVO 9899
(C. Dubiosa 'Scully's' HCC/AOS x Sc. Beaufort 'Harford's Elmwood 4-N' AM/AOS)
Dubiosa (C. trianae x C. loddigesii) is the parent of and responsible for much of the charm of the famous Lc. Puppy Love 'True Beauty'. The cultivar 'Scully's' produces impressive heads of 7-9 flowers that last and last, up to 6-7 weeks! Beaufort (S. coccinea x C. luteola) is one the most recognizable names in mini-Catt breeding. It has been used successfully in hundreds of hybrids and is dominant for shape and small plant stature. We are excited about this cross! The expectation is for 6-8" tall plants with 4-6 well rounded flowers in light yellow to soft pink, with the unmistakable charm imparted by each parent.
3" pots $18

SVO 9979
(Pot. Martha Clarke 'Amazing' x Pot. Lovely Elaine 'SVO')
Martha Clarke (Blc. Love Sound x Slc. Circle of Life) was such a good grex that I named it after my wife! The cultivar 'Amazing' is one of the best, with excellent shape and color, nice plant habit, and twice-a-year blooming. Lovely Elaine (Pot. Elaine Taylor x Pot. Love Sound) has excellent flower shape and color. The handsome plants are compact growers and produce five flowers on a sturdy stem. When you study the breeding history, you see Love Sound on both sides, and looking even deeper you find the rupicolous L. briegeri on both sides as well. This ancestry gives an indication of what to expect. Plants will be compact, and flower color will range from orange to red. The flowers will have nice form with wide petals and will be carried on a strong stem holding 4-5 well-arranged blooms.
3" pots $16

SVO 9980
(Pot. Rubescent Magic 'SVO Splash' x Pot. Martha Clarke 'Amazing')
The grex Rubescent Magic (Tokyo Magic x Pot. Rubescence) has been superb! All have good stems with 4-5 flowers from the Tokyo Magic parent and good shape with dark lip coloration from Rubescence. Martha Clarke (Blc. Love Sound x Slc. Circle of Life) is such a good grex that I named it after my wife! 'Amazing' is one of the best, with excellent shape and color. These two parents give this cross outstanding potential. This hybrid is designed to yield richly-colored flowers in mostly red, though some will show sunset shades favoring red. Sturdy stems will carry 4-6 well-shaped blooms just above the foliage. I have been happy with this style of breeding, and these promise to be beautiful!
3" pots $18

SVO 9985
Pot. Toshie's Charm
(Pot. Little Toshie 'Gold Country' AM/AOS x Blc. Izumi Charm 'SVO'AM/AOS)
Little Toshie (Blc. Toshie Aoki x Sc. Beaufort) 'Gold Country' is a superb grower with excellent flower quality and color, and the compact plants bloom 2-4 times a year. Izumi Charm (Blc. Love Sound x Lc. Melody Fair) has a tall but compact growth habit, with bulbs standing 14" tall and strong stems carrying 5-7 well-shaped light-yellow flowers with bright-crimson-red lips. Toshie's Charm has already proven itself by winning five quality awards from the American Orchid Society. The progeny will carry 3-4 bright yellow, flat, well-presented flowers with bright magenta lips that are beautifully ruffled. Check out this PICTURE
3" pots $16

SVO 9997
(Lc. Tokyo Magic 'Hihimanu' x Epc. Kyoguchi 'M. Sauno' 4N Mutation)
Tokyo Magic (Lc. Irene Finney x L. briegeri) has white flowers with a bit of yellow on the lateral sepals and a red lip. It is a great breeder and has produced many successful hybrids. Tokyo Magic imparts good shape, strong stems, and a compact plant habit. Kyoguchi (Enc. aromatica x Gur. aurantiaca) 'M. Sauno' was a chance 4N found on a vendor's table at an orchid show! It blooms on branched inflorescences with 40 or more bright-yellow flowers that are highly fragrant. This grex will have a high flower count, and we expect 25 or more flowers in shades of yellow with red lips, all having excellent shape. Stems will be sturdy and present the flowers well, and there is a good chance they will be fragrant too.
3" pots $16

SVO 10001
Lc. Mari's Magic
(Lc. Tokyo Magic 'Hihimanu' x Lc. Mari's Song 'CTM217' HCC/AOS)
Tokyo Magic (Lc. Irene Finney x L. briegeri) has white flowers with a bit of yellow on the lateral sepals and a red lip. As a parent, it imparts good shape, strong stems, and a compact plant habit, and is a proven breeding plant that has produced many successful hybrids. Mari's Song (Lc. Irene Finney x C. Cherry Chip) also has a long history as an excellent breeder. It reliably imparts flared flowers, good growth, and reliable blooming habits to its offspring. We are expecting flared flower color combinations with this grex. The sepals and petals will be white, with petals flared in yellow and purple and a purple lip. This cross will deliver awesome flower colors on sturdy stems of 5-6 blooms.
3" pots $18

SVO 10033
(B. Crazyarachno 'Ruben' x B. perrinii 'Ruben')
Brassavola hybrids are starting to come of age. Crazyarachno (B. perrinii x B. appendiculata) blooms with 4-5 spidery flowers. By breeding it back to perrinii, we expect the flower count of the progeny to increase to 10 and possibly more, while still having the same flower shape. That would make this cross awesome!
3" pots $16

SVO 10038
B. Adrian Hamilton
(B. perrinii 'Ruben' x B. nodosa 'Susan Fuchs' FCC/AOS)
With this Brassavola hybrid we are combining the high flower count of perrinii with the large flower size of this exceptional nodosa. This cross will produce offspring that are quick to bloom in 3" pots. Flower shape will be reminiscent of nodosa, and there will be 5-8 per stem. These are blooming size!
3" pots $16

SVO 10040
(Blc. Bouton D'or 'Halcyon' AM/AOS x Blc. Love Sound 'Dogashima' AM/AOS)
Bouton D'or 'Halcyon' (Lc. Wolteriana x Blc. Buttercup) was awarded in 1972. The flowers were described as golden yellow with overtones of apricot. To date, 135 registered hybrids have been made with it, and 32 of the crosses were awarded, establishing Bouton D'Or as an important parent for Cattleya breeding. One of its offspring, Love Sound (Blc. Blc. Bouton D'Or x L. briegeri), has been an equally important parent. Here we are breeding these together to reinforce the size and shape of the Bouton d'Or flowers and capitalize on the color and stem habit of Love Sound. These will have 5-6 large, shapely yellow flowers displayed well on upright stems.
3" pots $16

SVO 10052
(Pot. Spirit Flare 'SVO Flare' x Slc. Crimson Dragon 'Velvet Splash')
We are committed to developing compact Catts with dark purple flowers and darker purple flares. There are only a few out there, and we see an opportunity to contribute to improvements in this area. Pot. Spirit Flare (Slc. Circle Spirit x Lc. José Dias Castro) has shapely flowers that look every bit like large standard Cattleya flowers with wide petals and a full Blc. Lip. But the plant is just 8" tall! Slc. Crimson Dragon (Slc. Lisye Sentiasa x Slc. Durban Rose) has intensely purple flowers with even more intense darker flares. Its 4" flowers are carried on plants just 6" tall. Here we are looking for the fine shape of Circle Spirit and intense color of Crimson Dragon to dominate. Plants will be 6 to 8" tall, and the shapely flowers will be 4" across with colors that will grab your attention!
3" pots $18

SVO 10055
(Slc. Angel Eyes 'SVO' AM/AOS x C. Orchidglade 'SVO' HCC/AOS)
Angel Eyes (Slc. Bright Angel x Lc. Little Dipper) is a long-proven breeder of flared flowers, imparting great color and, importantly, flat form. Orchidglade (C. walkeriana x C. aurantiaca) is a lovely hybrid, producing clusters of bright orange flowers with yellow lips twice a year. The expectation is for compact plants to produce showy clusters of 4-5 flared flowers in yellow and orange with the possibility of some red added in.
3" pots $16

SVO 10078
Pot. Little Magician
(Lc. Tokyo Magic '6-1' AM/AOS x Pot. Little Toshie 'Gold Country' AM/AOS)
This is a great cross! Tokyo Magic (Lc. Irene Finney x L. briegeri) has yellow flowers with red lips. It's a valuable breeder, imparting good shape, strong stems and a compact plant habit. Little Toshie (Sc. Beaufort x Blc. Toshie Aoki) flowers 2-3 times a year with superb, flat, bright yellow flowers and dark red lips, and has also proven to be a top-quality parent. This cross will produce compact plants with sturdy stems of 4-5 well-supported yellow flowers with deep red lips, wide petals and excellent shape.
3" pots $16

SVO 10135
Lc. Cherokee Star
(L. anceps 'White Wonder' x Lc. Trick or Treat 'Orange Magic' AM/AOS)
The goal here is to produce plants that bloom with long arching stems carrying 7-9 orange flowers favoring the look of L. anceps. These will make excellent outdoor growers in frost-free areas and will be great for baskets or even mounted. Excellent growth habit and vigor.
3" pots $18

SVO 10150
(Pot. Oconee Circle 'SVO' x Pot. Carolina Splendor 'Krull's Ruby' AM/AOS)
Oconee Circle (Slc. Circle of Life x Blc. Oconee) has an amazing flower, far superior to its parents, with surprisingly nice color, size, and shape. The photo shows its quality. Carolina Splendor (Pot. Waikiki Splendor x Blc. Oconee) is a standard sized Cattleya plant with large wine-red flowers, fully ruffled dark burgundy lips, and superb shape and form. This hybrid is about large flowers on compact plants. Flower color will be a very vibrant red-purple, with the lips being darker in color, and the flower form should be “off the charts."
3" pots $18

SVO 10152
(C. Dubiosa 'Scully's' HCC/AOS x Blc. Waikiki Gold 'Lea' HCC/AOS)
C. Dubiosa (C. harrisoniana x C. trianae) has 4-5 nicely shaped, long-lived flowers on good stems. The quality of the solid yellow flowers of Waikiki Gold (Blc. Pink Surprise x C. forbesii), with 5-6 large blooms arranged well on strong stems, has inspired hundreds of successful hybrids. I must admit the prediction for this is challenging. Let's start with what I do know: plants will be 12-14" tall, flower in early March, and produce strong stems carrying 5-7 flowers. What's hard to predict is the flower color, which we expect to range from yellow to pink, possibly with flares!
3" pots $16

SVO 10154
Lc. Japan Sunrise
(C. Dubiosa 'Scully's' HCC/AOS x Lc. Hsinying Excell 'DG' HCC/AOS)
I saw pictures of this plant years ago and have wanted to make it for myself. At long last, here it is! C. Dubiosa (C. harrisoniana x C. trianae) has 4-5 nicely shaped flowers on good stems. Lc. Hsinying Excell (Lc. Excellescombe x L. briegeri) has 7-9 flowers with excellent lavender flaring, presented well on good stems. We expect 4-8 well-supported flowers in shades of lavender on stout plants. Some blooms will be solid colors, and others will have attractive flaring.
3" pots $16

SVO 10155
(Blc. Haadyai Delight 'Bangprom Gold' AM/AOS x Pot. Little Toshie 'Gold Country' AM/AOS)
Haadyai Delight (Blc. Angkinantana x Blc. Destiny) is new to our breeding program. It has made a significant contribution to Cattleya breeding in Thailand and seems worth of attention. After studying its offspring, this parent seems dominant for big broad lips and wide petals. Our first cross using Haadyai Delight is with Pot. Little Toshie (Sc. Beaufort x Blc. Toshie Aoki). The cultivar 'Gold Country' is the best of the grex. It blooms with 2-3 superb, flat, bright yellow flowers and dark red lips. If our read on this new parent (to us) is correct, this cross has amazing potential! We are expecting compact plants with large, well-formed yellow flowers and big red lips.
3" pots $18

SVO 10156
Pot. What About Love
(Blc. Guess What 'SVO' AM/AOS x Pot. Pure Love 'SVO' HCC/AOS)
Guess What (Blc. Waikiki Gold x Lc. Trick or Treat) has vibrant orange-yellow flowers in clusters of 8-9 on strong stems, and it's a favorite breeder of mine. Pure Love (Blc. Love Sound x Slc. Seagulls Apricot) holds 3-4 flowers with wide petals on sturdy stems from small plants. With this cross we are looking for yellow to orange flowers. Pure Love will add its wide petals, and the strong stems from both parents will assure that the 4-6 flowers are well presented on a compact, easy-to-grow plant.
3" pots $16

SVO 10158
(Pot. Al Thanhauser 'The Best' x Slc. Virginia Dickey 'Diamond Orchids' AM/AOS)
The impressive Al Thanhauser (C. Orchidglade x Pot. Rubescence) produces strong stems carrying 4-5 fantastic, sparkling red flowers with dark burgundy lips. Virginia Dickey (Slc. Pink Doll x Sl. Pole-Star) is a darling mini-Catt that flowers twice a year in a 3" pot. Good stems hold 2-3 bright red flowers of good form. This cross has huge potential, and my instincts are telling me that this is going to be a really nice hybrid. The expectation is for solid red flowers with dark red lips. Plants will be compact, maturing at 8" tall, and flower size and shape will be impressive.
3" pots $18

SVO 10160
(Lc. Tropical Song 'Tango' x Slc. Virginia Dickey 'Diamond Orchids' AM/AOS)
Tropical Song (Lc. Tropic Glow x Lc. Mari's Song) blooms with a cluster of 6-7 flowers in rose/red with bright yellow splashes in the center of each petal, creating a showy display. I am very excited about the breeding potential of Virginia Dickey (Slc. Pink Doll x Sl. Pole-Star)! The cultivar 'Diamond Orchids' is remarkable: the 5" tall plant blooms twice a year, the upright stems hold two to three red flowers above the foliage, and the 2.5" wide flowers are flat with outstanding symmetry. This cross was made to develop clusters of colorful, flared flowers on small plants. These will be excellent!
3" pots $18

SVO 10162
(Blc. Guess What 'SVO' AM/AOS x Pot. Little Toshie 'Gold Country' AM/AOS)
The vibrant orange-yellow flower color of Guess What (Blc. Waikiki Gold x Lc. Trick or Treat) and its cluster of 8-9 flowers make this one of my favorite March bloomers. Here we combine this parent with the good breeding qualities of Little Toshie (Sc. Beaufort x Blc. Toshie Aoki) 'Gold Country'. It is the best cultivar of this delightful grex, flowering 2-3 times a year with superb, flat, bright yellow flowers and dark red lips. This cross has amazing potential! Plants are expected to produce flowers with superior form in colors ranging from yellow to orange, and all will have contrasting full-shaped red lips. These will start to flower in 3" pots.
3" pots $18

SVO 10172
Pot. Mark's Valentine
(Pot. Little Toshie 'Gold Country' AM/AOS x Slc. Circle of Life 'Mesmerize' AM/AOS)
This is a good cross with a reliable twice-a-year blooming habit. The flowers have a very attractive shape and come in shades of red with darker red lips. Circle of Life (Lc. Culminant x Soph. coccinea) needs little introduction, and the cultivar 'Mesmerize' has particularly nice flowers. Little Toshie 'Gold Country' (Sc. Beaufort x Blc. Toshie Aoki) is the best cultivar of this delightful grex. It flowers 2-3 times a year with superb, flat, bright yellow flowers and dark red lips. Hybrids in this style of breeding result in excellent progeny, and every plant produces good flowers. Great-looking plants with lots of vigor - these are really nice!
3" pots $16

SVO 10176
(Pot. Akawel 'Waiakea' x Pot. Very Vermillion 'SVO')
Akawel (Pot. Hisako Akatsuka x Slc. Jungle Jewel) 'Waiakea' holds 3-4 true red flowers on good stems from a compact plant. Very Vermillion (Pot. Paradise Rose x Pot. Lebenkreis) has superb color with excellent form and size. Here we are expecting very shapely flowers in deep red colors on compact plants. This type of breeding is setting a new standard in red flower color.
3" pots $18

SVO 10178
Pot. Cosmo-Sound
(Blc. Love Sound 'Dogashima' AM/AOS x Pot. Little Toshie 'Gold Country' AM/AOS)
One of my favorite breeding plants is Love Sound (Blc. Bouton D'Or x L. briegeri). It imparts good flower form and color as well as excellent plant vigor and compact growth. We anticipate a very consistent outcome from this cross. Little Toshie 'Gold Country' (Sc. Beaufort x Blc. Toshie Aoki) flowers 2-3 times a year with superb, flat, bright-yellow flowers and dark red lips. The hybrid from this pairing will produce compact plants with 4-5 flat yellow flowers, some having petals tipped in red, with excellent shape and red lips.
3" pots $18

SVO 10236
(Pot. Denis Roessiger 'SVO's Sweetheart' x Pot. Verbatim 'Xmas Gift')
The flowers of Denis Roessiger (Pot. Golden Circle x Slc. Angel Eyes) are very round and flat, and the petals are crimson-red, mimicking the lip. This plant produces 4-5 flowers on a stem and, as a bonus, it blooms twice a year. Pot. Verbatim (Slc. Angel's Fantasy x Pot. Rubescence) has dark red flowers with darker red veining/flaring, thanks to the Angel's Fantasy. This hybrid will have flowers with flares! The petals will be red with red and yellow flares, and the flowers will be flat and shapely with 3-4 per strong stem. Super nice!
3" pots $18

SVO 10248 NEW
Pot. Mark's Valentine
(Pot. Little Toshie 'Gold Country' AM/AOS x Slc. Circle of Life 'Mesmerize' AM/AOS)
is a good cross with a reliable twice-a-year blooming habit. The
flowers have a very attractive shape and come in shades of red with
darker red lips. Little Toshie 'Gold Country' (Sc. Beaufort x Blc.
Toshie Aoki) is the best cultivar of this delightful grex. It flowers
2-3 times a year with superb, flat, bright yellow flowers and dark red
lips. Circle of Life (Lc. Culminant x Soph. coccinea) needs little
introduction, and the cultivar 'Mesmerize' is one of the best. Hybrids
made in this style of breeding produce excellent progeny, and every
plant produces good flowers. Great-looking plants with lots of vigor -
these are really nice! Here is a PHOTO of a first bloom.
3” pots $16

SVO 10263
Bl. Richard Mueller
(Bl. Richard Mueller '4n' x self)
This selfing of a tetraploid (4n) Richard Mueller (B. nodosa x L. milleri) will result in offspring that are also tetraploid and nearly identical to the parent. This is a rare chance to get the 4n form of this highly desirable primary hybrid.
3" pots $18

SVO 10311
Blc. Rosella's Lovely Sunset
(Lc. Aussie Sunset 'Cosmic Fire' HCC/AOS x Blc. Love Sound 'Dogashima' AM/AOS)
Aussie Sunset (Lc. Fires of Spring x C. Gene May) has a red-orange flower and yellow splashed petals, with clusters of 4-6 blooms held nicely above the foliage. Love Sound is a plant with a long, successful breeding history. It imparts strong stems, compact growth habit, and good flower shape. With this cross there is great potential for yellow/orange flowers with yellow and red flares. Plants are good growers and will produce 7-9 flowers on a strong upright stem. This cross was first made in Australia, and the photos posted to Facebook a few years ago were exceptional, motivating us to make it here in the USA!
3" pots $18

SVO 10313
Lc. Fire Gem
(Lc. Aussie Sunset 'Cosmic Fire' HCC/AOS x Lc. Trick or Treat 'Orange Magic' AM/AOS)
Aussie Sunset (Lc. Fires of Spring x C. Gene May) has a red-orange flower with a yellow splash, and the blooms are held above the foliage in a cluster of 4-6. Trick or Treat (L. Icarus x Lc. Chit Chat) produces amazing heads of 15 or more starry orange flowers. There is great potential here for orange flowers with red flares. Plants are good growers and will produce 7-9 flowers per stem, possibly more.
3" pots $16

SVO 10314
(Blc. Carolina Orange D'or 'Krull-Smith' AM/AOS x Pot. Shinfong Little Sun 'Gold Satisfaction')
The full-shaped orange flowers of Carolina Orange D'or (Blc. Carolina Golden D'Or x Blc. Malworth D'Or) are magnificent! The cultivar 'Krull-Smith' has the best shape and lip of the grex, and it produces 6-8 blooms per stem, making this a spectacular show plant. I have admired this plant for years, and we have used it to make many orange and yellow hybrids. We have little experience using Shinfong Little Sun (Lc. Golden Girl x Pot. Taida Love Star) as a parent. Its solid orange flowers come in clusters of 5-7 on plants about 10" tall. The idea here is to breed plants standing a 10" tall with clusters of shapely flowers in solid orange. Check Out This Photo It’s the first to bloom and, off the charts color and shape!
3" pots $18

SVO 10326
(Pot. Legendary 'SVO' x Pot. Loud Nine 'SVO Best')
The outstanding flower qualities of Legendary (Pot. Jerry Rehfield x Pot. Lebenkreis) can only be described as amazing. The flower shape and lip look just like those of a 7" standard-sized Cattleya flower, but they're not! The plant is just 8" tall, and the flower is 3.5" across. Loud Nine (Pot. Rubescence x Sl. Orpetii) is spectacular, with small plants producing flowers nearly 3" across in a vibrant true red with dark burgundy lips. We have high expectations for this grex, large red flowers, superior shape, full ruffled lips, small plants and vigorous growers!
3" pots $18

SVO 10335
(Blc. Izumi Charm 'SVO' AM/AOS x Slc. Angel Eyes 'SVO' AM/AOS)
Izumi Charm (Blc. Love Sound x Lc. Melody Fair) is tall but has a compact growth habit, with clustered bulbs standing 14" tall. Strong stems carry 5-7 well-shaped light-yellow flowers with bright crimson-red lips. Angel Eyes (Slc. Bright Angel x Lc. Little Dipper) has been in our breeding program for years and is dominant for: flaring, flat petals, good flower size, reduced plant stature, and ease of plant growth. This cross will give very nice results, with large yellow flowers flared in red and dark red lips. Strong stems will hold 4-5 blooms on compact plants standing 10-12" tall.
3" pots $18

SVO 10367
(C. violacea 'Muse' FCC/AOS x Sl. Orpetii 'Hidden Treasure' 4N AM/AOS)
As far as I'm concerned, it's hard to imagine better flower quality than what these two parents offer. C. violacea 'Muse' and the flower characteristics that merited the FCC/AOS are still the gold standard for superior violacea today. It is likely to be a tetraploid (4n). Orpetii (Soph. coccinea x L. pumila) 'Hidden Treasure' 4N is a selected cultivar from the breeding of Alan Koch at Gold Country Orchids. Its dark purple-red flowers are as wide as the plant is tall! This wonderful cultivar blooms in the winter and again in the spring on vigorous plants that break multiple leads easily. Can you imagine dark purple flowers with excellent shape and darker purple lips? This is a super cool combination.
3" pots $18

SVO 10374
(Blc. Shinfong Little Sun 'Gold Satisfaction' x Blc. Hawaiian Discovery 'Fluorescent Orange' HCC/AOS)
We have little experience using Shinfong Little Sun (Lc. Golden Girl x Pot. Taida Love Star) as a parent. Its flowers come in clusters of 5-7 and are solid orange on plants about 10" tall. The shapely flowers of Hawaiian Discovery (Blc. Orange Nuggett x Blc. Bouton D'Or) are an amazing orange color, 'Fluorescent Orange' to be exact! The idea here is to breed for compact plants standing ~10" tall and holding clusters of shapely bright orange flowers.
3" pots $18

SVO 10383
Vaughnara (Vnra.) Golden Spice
(Bl. Richard Muller '4N' x Epi. stamfordianum 'Pink')
The flowers from this cross will look almost like the flowers of Richard Mueller, just a lot spottier. Flower count will be the big difference - we expect 10-15 or more flowers per inflorescence. One of those super cool crosses that is definitely worth growing!
3" pots $18

SVO 10508 NEW
Lc. NEW HYBRID (Lc. Little Dipper 'Sato' 4N x Lc. Rosie's Surprise 'Crestwood')
Dipper (C. Angelwalker x C. Batalinii) has been a good parent for
breeding flared mini-Catts. Its flat flower shape and ease of growth
make it a desirable parent. The flowers of Rosie's Surprise (Lc. Irene
Finney x C. walkeriana) are rose-pink. Blooms are large and flat, and
the lip is broad with purple on the tip and yellow centrally. The
expectation for the offspring is 3-5 well-formed flowers per
inflorescence. Flowers will be light pink with bi-color flares of yellow
and purple on the petals. The lip will be similar in color and shape to
the petals.
3” pots $18
