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Sunset Valley Orchids Cycnoches and Catasetum Hybrids

In past years the first Cycnoches breeding was quite interesting but then slowed due to a lack of diversity in the gene pool. Most of the original species were green, olive green, tan, cream, and spotted. Many have poor shape. The main breeders were; Cyc. warscewiczi, Cyc. chlorochilon, Cyc.loddigesii, Cyc. peruvianum, and Cyc. haagii. The progeny had well formed flowers but only came in shade of green, tan and occasional spotting. With the newly introduced Cycnoches species of Cyc. cooperi, Cyc. barthiorum and Cyc. herrenhusanum there is a renewed interest in creating new color forms. These three species are “landmark” as they possess intense color, excellent shape, and ease of culture.

The plants offered below are some of the first hybrids made with the new Cycnoches species. I have assembled the best quality species to begin the breeding process. They have been selected for color, shape, flower count and plant vigor. Naturally these qualities lead to AOS awards and as a result much of the breeding stock has now been awarded.

The seedlings have shown strong growth with many producing a few flowers on the second year growth. The plants will mature at 3 to 5 years. They will be spectacular when mature with cascading inflorescences of ‘swan shaped' flowers in a range of colors from green, yellow, red, chocolate brown, spotted, and ….. Some outstanding cultivars will have the potential to produce 40 to 45 flowers per inflorescence!

Cycnoches are quite adaptable and grow well in a number of cultural conditions suitable for Paphiopedilum, Phalaenopsis, Cattleya, and Vanda. The most important factor is respecting their need for winter dormancy. In the late fall and early winter mature leaves will start to yellow and drop off, at these first signs begin to reduce your watering. By mid/late December most leaves should be yellow or have fallen off. At this point watering should be limited to once a month and only in the morning of a sunny day. Some shriveling of the bulbs is expected. Once the new growth has started to develop in the spring and new roots are 3-4” long resume the regular watering practice.

These plants are easy to grow and fantastic late summer bloomers.

With this new direction in breeding the potential for AOS awards is excellent. I expect these new crosses will make the grade and earn many awards.


SVO 810

Cyc. Jean E. Monnier (Cyc. barthiorum ‘SVO' AM/AOS x Cyc. cooperi ‘Dark Jem' AM/AOS)

This is a remake of an earlier cross, however I am using Cyc. barthiorum an the pod parent. Expect to see the bold spotting from the Cyc. barthiorum in the progeny. This hybrid has been receiving numerous AOS awards.

SVO 819

Cyc. William Clarke (Cyc. herrenhusanum ‘SVO' x Cyc. cooperi ‘Dark Jem' AM/AOS)

The classic swan shaped Cycnoches flowers in a new, very unusual colors ranging from green, gingersnap, chocolate and some have spots! Expect 3" flowers on long inflorescences carrying 25 or more blooms.

SVO 897

Cyc. herrenhusanum (Cyc. herrenhusanum Sunset Valley Orchids' x Cyc. herrenhusanum 'Cindy Hill')

Golden yellow to greenish yellow flowers. This sibling cross will be the first step in improvement of this species. We are looking for fuller and flatter flowers from this paring of two vigorous growing and blooming cultivars, this was confirmed last fall when a plant of the cross took an AM/AOS.

SVO 898

(Cyc. barthiorum 'Sunset Valley Orchids' AM/AOS x Morm. colossus 'Ron Kaufmann')

Flower color will range from orange to beige with darker spotting. Expect 15 or more flowers in the 2-3" . size. Morm. colossus is not often seen in cultivation or used in hybrids.

SVO 899

Cyc. cooperi (Cyc. cooperi 'SVO' AM/AOS x Cyc. cooperi 'SVO' HCC/AOS)

This sibling cross is the first in the line breeding for improved Cyc cooperi. Here we used two very dark chocolate colored flowers. Mature plants will have 25 or more 4" flowers on cascading inflorescences. A must have.

SVO 1024

Ctsm. Ten Dragons (Ctsm. tenebrosum 'Ed #3' x Ctsm. Dragons Teeth 'SVO' AM/AOS)

The first cross took two AM/AOS awards, this remake is using the Ctsm. tenebrosum that made the Ctsm Donna Wise grex so successful by imparting its superb flower form and long stem and the Dragons Teeth is the same parent used in the original cross. Strong growing plants will produce very dark flowers on arching stems, expect 15 or more flowers.

SVO 1112

Cyc. barthiorum (Cyc. barthiorum 'Sunset Valley Orchids' AM/AOS x Cyc. barthiorum 'SVO II')

My first successful sibling cross with the two best Cyc. barthiorum in my collection. Full shaped flowers with spotting will be produced from this mating. Superb line breeding for future AOS awards.

SVO 1196

(Cyc. warscewiczii 'SVO' AM/AOS x Morm. lawrenceana '#1')

Morm. lawrenceana has a 7-9, large 3" flowers with red-rose color and is covered with deep burgundy spotting, the Cyc. warscewiczii is one of the best. These will be large red-rose flowers with burgundy spotting on fine shape produced 7-9 per stem. My expectation is that this cross will be of exceptional quality.

SVO 1423

(Morm. Exotic Treat 'SVO II' x Cyc. warscewiczii 'SVO' AM/AOS)

Exotic Treat is a deep yellow flower with dark burgundy spots, fantastic color. The warscewiczii will predictably impart its fine form and allow for the Mormodes color to come through. Bright yellow flowers with spots and excellent shape! My expectation is that this cross will be of exceptional quality.

SVO 1436

Cyc. haagii (Cyc. haagii 'SVO II' x Cyc. haagii 'SVO' HCC/AOS)

When Cyc. haagii 'Sunset Valley Orchids' was awarded it had 6 spikes and 43 flowers on one pseudobulb!!! Not often seen for sale, these will have 15-20 green flowers covered with red spots. Get these while they last.

SVO 1443

(Cyc. cooperi 'SVO III' FCC/AOS x Cyc. Jean E. Monnier '#2')
(These are a little small but well worth it)

My cross of Cyc. Jean E Monnier has earned an impressive 5 AM and 6 HCC, this hybrid combines one of the darkest Jean E. Monnier that carries 35 flowers with the best cooperi ever awarded, it has 41 flowers on a 30" inflorescence. This is the next level of improvement in this line of breeding. Expect 30-35 large 4" flowers in colors ranging from deep chocolate to light bronze with dark spotting. This is the "must have" hybrid and will surly gain many AOS awards.

SVO 1450

Cyc. barthiorum (Cyc. barthiorum 'Sunset Valley Orchids' AM/AOS x Cyc. barthiorum 'SVO III')

My second successful sibling cross, Cyc. barthiorum 'III' is by far the best in my collection. Full shaped dark rose flowers will random darker spotting be produced from this mating. A superb line breeding for future AOS awards.

SVO 1459

(Cyc. warscewiczii 'Panama' x Morm. warscewiczii 'SVO')

The Morm. warscewiczii has a very complex coloration, produces many flowers and 3-4 spikes per bulb, this plant took a CCM/AOS and is one of the most vigorous Mormodes I have. The combination to Cyc. warscewiczii will improve the shape and allow the exotic color of the Mormodes to come through. Looking forward to blooming this Cycnodes.

SVO 1460

(Mo. Painted Desert 'SVO' HCC/AOS x Morm. lawrenceana '#1')

Mormodia Painted Desert is (Mormodes sinuata x Clowesia Rebecca Northen) and is the parent of the successful hybrid Fredclarkeara After Dark. The addition of the lawrenceana will reinforce the Mormodes coloration and increase flower size. This new hybrid will be very usefull in breeding the next generation of Fredclarkeara.

SVO 1463

(Cycd. Midnight Magic 'Burgundy Bird' HCC/AOS x Cyc. warscewiczii 'Giant Swan')

My hybrid of Cycd. Midnight Magic has been very successful with 9 AOS awards. I have been trying for 4 years to make this cross as I believe it is the key to superior flower form. The Cycd. Midnight Magic grex appeared to be infertile, however persistence has paid off. The readdition of warscewiczii will position the lip in a verticle plane with the petals and sepals creating a full flat flower form. The color will be deep reds to oranges and flower size of 3" with 9 or more per stem.

SVO 1467

Cyc. warscewiczii (warscewiczii 'Jumbo' x warscewiczii 'SVO II' AM/AOS ')

This is the true Cyc. warscewiczii, the queen and king of the Cycnoches family. 5 to 7 large swan shaped green flowers with a white lip that measure 5", plus a fantastic fragrance. A great offering of this not often available species

SVO 1478

Morm. warscewiczii (Morm. warscewiczii 'SVO' x self)

Morm. warscewiczii has 15-17, 2" flowers with a complex coloration, it is one of the easiest Mormodes to grow and flower. This plant took a CCM with 4 infloresences per bulb last year. This is a good Mormodes to cultivate

** Some pictures are representative of the cross and not actual parents.

Catasetinae Divisions


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