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Plant Offerings

Paphiopedilum List

SVO 9494
Paph. Bengals Lancers (Paph. parishii 'SVO' x Paph. haynaldianum 'SVO 7')

A beautiful combination of these two parents, this cross has not been made in years. We're not sure why, since it is such a fantastic cross, easy-to-grow and floriferous, with lovely color. Both parents here have very high flower count: Paph. parishii 'SVO' can get 11, and Paph. haynaldianum 'SVO 7' regularly has seven flowers. Each flower will have the long, twisted, red petals of parishii and the stance of haynaldianum. Here's an example of the grex: Paph. Bengals Lancers 'SVO'
4” pots  $40

Paph. parishii 'SVO' Paph. haynaldianum 'SVO 7'




SVO 9226
Paph. New Hybrid (Paph. Maurice J. Cote 'SVO' x (Paph. Meon x Oriental Enchantment) 'SVO')

What an interesting new direction in producing beautiful green and white Maudiae-type paphs! Paph. Meon x Oriental Enchantment 'SVO' has a natural spread of over 15 cm, with great color and form. Paph. Maurice J. Cote 'SVO' is a cross of Paph. venustum alba and the massive complex Paph. Stone Lovely; it has over four cm wide petals.  This combination should produce huge albas, with yellow-green color, wide petals, and excellent flat form. Very few second-generation crosses have been produced from this type of breeding, and we are excited to offer these; the first ones are in bud now!
4” pots $25

Paph. Maurice J. Cote 'SVO' (Paph. Meon x Oriental Enchantment) 'SVO'




Paph. Harold Koopowitz (Paph. rothschildianum 'Bloomington' x Paph. malipoense 'Sam's Choice' FCC/AOS)

Surely there are few Paphs as impressive as a huge Paph. Harold Koopowitz in full flower, with its massive, flat green blooms, held high on three foot stems, with each flower more than a foot across.  This grex uses Sam Tsui's favorite Paph. rothschildianum 'Bloomington', which has produced grex after grex of fine hybrids, with his new FCC malipoense; they should be spectacular.  These are blooming-sized plants, growing vigorously in 5” pots.  This is one of our favorite crosses, and we are hoping for another top-quality flower like Paph. Harold Koopowitz 'SVO' FCC/AOS.   Here is a PHOTO of the first to bloom.
5” pots  $60

SVO 10418
(Paph. delenatii v. vinicolor 'Big' x Paph. delenatii v. vinicolor 'Shape')

Now in the third generation here at SVO, this is the darker colored form of this Chinese and Vietnamese species. The flowers are dark and the leaves are dark, in some cases with nearly black undersides. This species is very easy to grow and flower, and the plants clump quickly to make delightful little specimens. This sib cross uses the best of the previous generation for both size and shape. The first plants of this variety had very poor form, but expect outstanding results here, with flowers about as good as the normal color form in terms of form and size.
2.25” rose pots  $25

Paph. delenatii v. vinicolor 'Big' Paph. delenatii v. vinicolor 'Shape'




SVO 9930
Paph. New Hybrid (Paph. anitum 'SVO' x Paph. Chiu-Hua Dancer 'SVO II' HCC/AOS)

This is a pretty exciting cross: new anitum hybrids always seem to delight, with their dark flowers, and with the beautiful cascading petals of Chiu-Hua Dancer, we have the chance here for something really special. We are looking for high count, with 5 or more flowers per inflorescence, with long, spiraled petals, red pouches, and black dorsals. There will be awards here; get yours soon!
2.25” rose pots  $30

Paph. anitum 'SVO' Paph. Chiu-Hua Dancer 'SVO II' HCC/AOS




SVO 10225
Paph. Angela (Paph. niveum 'SVO Giant' x Paph. fairrieanum 'SVO Red' AM/AOS)

Crosses between fairrieanum and Brachypetalum paphs are just beautiful: dreamy whites with lovely form, striped like peppermint candy. This cross, between our huge niveum 'SVO Giant' and an awardable, dark red fairrieanum, should produce fantastic miniature plants with big, showy flowers. These have grown quickly right out of the gate!
2.25” rose pots  $30

Paph. niveum 'SVO Giant' Paph. fairrieanum 'SVO Red' AM/AOS




SVO 10398
Paph. New Hybrid (Paph. Macabre 'Mother Mary' x Paph. Petula's Sensation 'Dark Delight')

Paph. Macabre is spectacular: huge, flat flowers with massive petals, fast growth habit, and just superior in every way. It should be too: our Paph. Macabre 'Mother Mary' is a 5th generation flower purchased in bloom from the Orchid Zone. It has been an impressive parent. For whatever reason, these big OZ Macabres haven't been used much to produce vinicolor flowers, and that's the goal here, to produce vinis with the same beautiful form but much darker flowers. Based on the leaves, some will be double-factor vinis with dark leaves and flowers, and others will have coloratum flowers, and some will be a mix. The best of these will be spectacular.
2.25” rose pots $25

Paph. Macabre 'Mother Mary Paph. Petula's Sensation 'Dark Delight'




SVO 9744
(Paph. venustum 'Xmas Highlight' x Paph. venustum 'SVO' AM/AOS)

Simply put, we have the best red venustums anywhere. The awarded venustum 'SVO' is a beautiful red, and was selected from hundreds of flowers in bloom at the Orchid Zone. 'Xmas highlight' is from a selfing of 'SVO', so this is a back-cross to the red parent, hopefully isolating the red genes and producing another fine generation of red venustums. These flowers will be highly awardable, and some of the best of their species available in the US. Limited and very select.
2.25” rose pots $30

Paph. venustum 'Xmas Highlight' Paph. venustum 'SVO' AM/AOS




SVO 9743
(Paph. venustum 'SVO' AM/AOS x self)

Since this venustum was awarded, it is rare we haven't had selfings of it available. Looking through our records, this has been done now six times. Many of the sequential generations of venustum are now breeding great color themselves. This is a chance to get in on the ground floor with a selfing of this fantastic parent. Of note is that, despite being the darkest red cultivar of this species to be awarded, Paph. venustum 'SVO' AM/AOS is ½ alba, meaning one of its parents was an albino. That means that upon selfing, a percentage of the offspring will be albino, and some will continue to carry the gene for albinism. We are excited to offer these, and are confident they will produce the next generation of winners.
2.25” rose pots $30

4” pots   $40

Paph. venustum 'SVO' AM/AOS self




(Paph. philippinense 'Paph Paradise' x Paph. philippinense 'Syrah')

It's important to note quality where you find it, and Dave Sorokowsky at Paph Paradise Orchids in Northern California has some top-quality species. Both of these philippinense plants are highly awardable, and both produce seven flowers. As a whole, philippinense is one of the most rewarding multifloral species, with fast growth rate, high flower count, and value as a parent of many paph hybrids. We are hopeful that the sib cross offered here will push the bar for this species even higher. Limited
2.25” rose pots   $35

SVO 9933
Paph. New Hybrid (Paph. Mount Toro 'SVO II' AM/AOS x Paph. anitum 'SVO')

Tim's favorite cross is Paph. Yang-Ji Apple, philippinense x anitum. Also notable for its spectacular flowers is Paph. Hung Sheng Cape, stonei x anitum, which has beautiful flowers with blushes of red in the dorsal and petals, with the long petals of anitum, and stark white dorsals of stonei. Paphiopedilum Mount Toro is stonei x philippinense, so this should be an exceptional combination of these three species. We are expecting five flowers, white dorsals with red blush, and long, dark petals, on plants that aren't too large and that grow quickly. It's surprising this hasn't been registered yet, so it's like brand new art. Very exciting!
2.25” rose pots $30

Paph. Mount Toro 'SVO II' AM/AOS Paph. anitum 'SVO'




(Paph. sukhakulii 'Wide Wings' x Paph. sukhakulii 'Hornet Queen')

It seems like it's been forever since a big grex of sukhakulii has been available. Tim remembers going to Orchid Zone 20 years ago and seeing them by the hundreds! These are from Orchid Inn breeding, and boy are they ever good. Two have received AM/AOS so far 'Oside's Spots'  and 'O'sides Dots', and several of the others that have already bloomed have been just as nice. We are thrilled to be able to offer these, and have accumulated suks from far and wide to continue breeding this fast-growing, lovely little species.
4” pots $35

(Paph. sukhakulii 'Hornet Queen' x Paph. sukhakulii 'Wide Wings')

The reciprocal of above.
4” pots  $35

Paph. Chou-Yi Rookie (Paph. thaianum 'Perfect Snowball' x Paph. rothschildianum 'Giant Wings' GM/WOC)

Paphiopedilum thaianum is adorable: tiny, white, excellent shape. Thaianum plants can bloom at less than one inch across. What a perfect pairing for Paph. rothschildianum, which has a propensity to need to be very large before flowering. This hybrid is cute, clumping, and seems very vigorous, making little plants no more than six inches across, most of which already have two or three growths. We're excited to see them flower, and expect white flowers with good shape, larger across than the plants themselves, white with pink and red stripes. Super cute! Here is a PHOTO of the first to bloom!!! 
4” pots $45

(Paph. New Hybrid (Paph. Wilbur Chang 'Big Green' x Paph. bellatulum 'Perfecto')

This cross parallels Paph. Ma Belle, malipoense x bellatulum, which makes big green flowers from the malipoense with very wide segments from the influence of bellatulum. Here, Sam's Fanaticum x malipoense is much larger than malipoense alone, so these should be an improvement over Ma Belle itself. In addition, they seem to be very easy to grow, and the first ones are in bud now. It's surprising that Fanaticum x malipoense is not yet named, but we are excited to offer the first cross using this new second-generation parvi. Check out this firtst to bloom PHOTO Limited.
4” pots  $40

(Paph. wilhelminae 'Milan' x self)

This species is the smallest multifloral species, a beautiful thing with three or four chocolate-colored flowers rising above foliage no more than eight inches across. It's not commonly available, and we are excited to have a big grex from a plant Sam Tsui brought back from the Dresden show in 2018. He said it's the real deal, and had four flowers on a small plant, and that's why he bought it. These are just starting to make second growths, so will make cute little specimens in 4” pots. .First to bloom PHOTO Limited.
4” pots  $45

(Paph. liemianum 'Heavy Metal' x Paph. liemianum 'Perfect Circle')

Sequential-flowering paphs are a great way to get plants that flower all the time. Tim's big Paph. liemianum flowered for more than two continuous years. That's pretty impressive. Of all the sequential species, this one has been line-bred the most, and the parents here trace their origins back to the Orchid Zone, and are Sam Tsui's selections. Many of the seedlings are showing corrugated leaves, typical of particularly good cultivars of this species. These will have very large, full, round flowers, and even first-bloom seedlings will flower sequentially on the same stem for months and months. They are wonderful plants, very easy to grow, and do exceptionally well as windowsill plants.  First to bloom PHOTO
The reciprocal of above.
4” pots  $40

(Paph. kolopakingii v. katherinae 'Green Rainbow' x self)

Rare and beautiful, these are the albino variety of Paph. kolopakingii, which makes some of the largest plants in this genus. Big kolos can exceed three feet across, just massive, so if you're a fan of big plants, this is the best one on the whole list for you. They come from a selfing of a third-generation plant from Orchid Inn. The emerald green flowers can be produced up to ten per stem, so we're very excited to raise a batch of them to enjoy their huge stems and gorgeous flower color. These husky seedlings are already showing their potential in large, wide leaves; stand back! 
4” pots $55

(Paph. amabile 'Pink Wings' x Paph. amabile 'Outstanding')

Tim really likes this alliance, which includes appletonianum and bullenianum, and other infrequently offered species like wolterianum, tortisepalum, ceveranum, and this one. This is a group actively undergoing speciation, with the different species and forms found on different islands in Indonesia. It's incredible to see the difference in leaf morphology between this species and bullenianum and appletonianum, even if the flowers look similar to bullenianum. We're excited to have these, as they are very rare in the trade; this grex and the following come from Sam Tsui's stud plants. They made compact specimens, and can have a dozen growths in a 4” pot as they grow up. These are just starting to flower and make second growths. Adorable! This is a PHOTO of the first to bloom
4” pots $45

(Paph. amabile 'Outstanding' x Paph. amabile 'Pink Wings')
The reciprocal of above.
4” pots $45

Paph. Chou-Yi  Rookie (Paph. thaianum 'Perfect Circle' x Paph. rothschildianum 'X-tra Hot' SSM/JOGA)

Similar to the other grex of Chou-Yi Rookie, this cross combines the petite and adorable Paph. thaianum with the massive Paph. rothschildianum to make small-growing plants no more than eight inches across, that clump nicely, and make flowers that are larger than the plants are, colored white with pink and red stripes. These make ideal windowsill plants, making specimens quickly; most of these are on their second or third growths. This is a choice hybrid, here the photo of the similar cross PHOTO 
4” pots $45

Paph. thaianum 'Perfect Circle' Paph. rothschildianum 'X-tra Hot' SSM/JOGA




Paph. Mem. Arnie Linsman (Paph. delenatii v. vinicolor 'Crystal Purple' x Paph. Fumi's Delight 'Zach')

Second-generation Parvisepalum breeding is in its infancy, because of fertility problems when making these types of crosses. We are excited to have a bunch of these from Orchid Inn breeding lines. Unlike first-generation parvis, like Paph. Fanaticum (armeniacum x micranthum), which are very uniform in color and size, second generation crosses can have lots of different looks. These have bloomed white, pink, dark purple, and everything in-between; where did the yellow from Fumi's Delight go? These have great shape, bloom easily, and are beautiful even when not in bloom;  parvi paphs may be the perfect windowsill plants. First to bloom PHOTOPHOTO
4” pots $45

Paph. Fanaticum (Paph. micranthum v. album 'Forest Surprise' x Paph. malipoense v. album 'Darth Vader')

It is just within the last five years or so that Paph. malipoense v. album has become available, after its discovery in 2012. Sam Tsui got the first of these albino plants in the US, and he used them to make many different crosses, including this one. It was used here to try to make an albino Paph. Fanaticum.  However, the alleles for albinism in these species seem to have not lined up correctly, and these are not albino flowers; when sibbed or selfed, they will produce albinos. Despite this, the flowers have been quite good, with excellent dark color and size. These strong plants are producing buds and second growths. Limited.  PHOTO, PHOTO are the first to bloom.
4” pots $45



(Paph. Red Illusion 'JCA' AM/AOS x Paph. Macabre 'From OZ')

This cross is aimed at producing Macabre-like flowers with more red color in the petals, lip and dorsal sepal. These have been coming out really nice with striped dorsals, spotted petals with overlays of red, and red lips! The best of them will have the massive size of Orchid Zone Macabres and fine color.  Click PICTURE for an example of the flower quality, from the first to bloom from this grex.
4” pots $25

Paph. Red Illusion 'JCA' AM/AOS Paph. Macabre 'From OZ'

SVO 7134
(Paph. hirsutissimum v. alba 'SVO' x Paph. hirsutissimum v. alba 'Best Yet')

Here is a very choice color form of this desirable species.  The parents are highly selected; both have excellent plant vigor, clear green and white flower color and long stems. We have bred this species for four generations now; these are just fantastic. This is one of those “must haves” for the Paph connoisseur.
4” pots $40

Paph. hirsutissimum v. alba 'SVO' Paph. hirsutissimum v. alba 'Best Yet'



** Some pictures are representative of the cross and not actual parents.


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