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Australian Dendrobiums
SVO 2018

(Den. Regal Gillieston ‘SVO’ x (Den. Aussie Charm x Den. Zip) ‘SVO’)

These will have good stems carrying 10+, fragrant flowers. Regal Gillieston is a large flower and will improve the flower size of this cross. These will have creamy white flowers with dark purple spotting and bars.

SVO 2019

((Den. Gillieston Jazz x Den. Victorian Flare) ‘Purple Flecks’ x (Den. Aussie Charm x Den. Zip) ‘SVO’ )

These are fragrant, crystalline white flowers with dark purple spotting. Strong stems will carry 15+ flowers, very showy.

SVO 2038

((Den. Gillieston Jazz x Den. Victorian Flare) ‘SVO Intense’ x (Den. pedunculatum x speciosum) ‘Candy Cane’)

‘SVO Intense’ has white flowers with intensely colored purple markings. ‘Candy Cane’ is the rare spotted form. Expect the plants to produce 15 or more spotted dark purple flowers carried well on good stems.

SVO 2039

(Den. Louise’s Rainbow x Den Zip) ‘SVO’ x Den. Zip ‘Jack McMillin’)

This is breeding for plants that will produce many inflorescences per bulb. The flowers will be crystalline white with dark purple markings. Very showy displays when mature.

SVO 2040

(Den. Gillieston Jazz ‘Steven’ x (Den. pedunculatum x speciosum) ‘Candy Cane’)

‘Steven’ is a beet red colored flowers, a very desirable color in Australian Dens, the bulbs produce many inflorescences and the flowers are of good size. ‘Candy Cane’ is the rare spotted form. Dark beet red to pink blooms, hoping to see some spots from the ‘Candy Candy’

SVO 2041

(Den. Gillieston Jazz ‘Steven’x Den. Zip ‘Jack McMillin’)

‘Steven’ is a beet red colored flowers, a very desirable color in Australian Dens. The bulbs will produce many inflorescences and the flowers will be of good size. ‘Jack McMillin’ is a well known parent and has sired many good crosses. Good stems, dark beet red flowers and high flower count. Very nice hybrid.

SVO 2044

(Den. June Mac ‘SVO’ x Den. grandiflorum ‘Michelle’)

June Mac has chunky pink flowers. ‘Michelle’ is an outstanding grandiflorum with beautiful arching stems of 60+ flowers. These will have long stems of high flower count in pink and lavender shades. Great show quality.

SVO 2045

((Den. Gillieston Jazz x Den. Victorian Flare) ‘SVO Intense’ x Den. Zip ‘Jack McMillin’)

‘SVO Intense’ has white flowers with intensely colored purple markings. ‘Jack McMillin’ is a well known parent and has sired many good crosses. Crystalline white flowers with deeply colored purple markings and good flower count. These will make excellent, showy displays when mature.




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