Sunset Valley Orchids
Aussie Dendrobiums
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Blc. Schroeder's Love 'SVO' AM-AOS (C. schroederae 'SVO' AM-OS x Blc. Love Sound 'Dogashima' AM-AOS)
C. Dubiosa x C. skinneri
C. percivaliana f. remolacha
Cl. Grace Dunn x Morm. hookeri
Cl. Grace Dunn x Morm. rosea
Ctmds. Double Dragon 'Midnight' (Ctmds. Dragons Glade x Ctsm. Orchidglade)
Ctmds. Warped Gravity (Ctsm. Susan Fuchs x Ctmds. Darkonium)
Ctsm. Diana's Dots
Ctsm. Dianne F. Polmanter (Ctsm. Mem. Dorothy Wells x Ctsm. Diana's Dots)
Ctsm. Susan Fuchs x Ctsm. ivaneae 'SVO'
Ctsm. Susan Fuchs x Ctsm. ivaneae 'SVO'
Ctsm. tabulare 'Sunset Valley Orchids' AM-AOS
Ctsm. tigrinum 'New Tiger'
Cyc. Jumbo Cooper x Cyc. Melana's Swan
Cyc. Melana's Swan 'Very Dark' AM-AOS
Cyc. Melana's Swan 'Very Dark' AM-AOS
Cyc. The Grinch 'Black Bird' female (Cyc. Richard Brandon x Cyc. Cryminy)
Cyc. The Grinch 'Black Bird' female (Cyc. Richard Brandon x Cyc. Cryminy)
Cyc. warscewiczii x Morm. Aftermath
Cycd. John Naugle 'SVO Tiger' FCC-AOS (Morm. andicola x Cyc. warscewiczii)
Cycd. John Naugle 'SVO Tiger' FCC-AOS (Morm. andicola x Cyc. warscewiczii)
Cyrt. cipoense
Fdk. Raffy Pye 'Sunset Valley Orchids' AM-AOS (Fdk. Turning Point x Ctsm. De Etta Harris)
Fdk. Raffy Pye 'Sunset Valley Orchids' AM-AOS (Fdk. Turning Point x Ctsm. De Etta Harris)
Fdk. Upgrade x Ctsm. Susan Fuchs
L. anceps 'SanBar Super Splash' AM-AOS
L. jongheana and Carlos
Lc. Magic Melody x Lc. Liptonii
Lc. Mari's Song 'CTM 217' HCC-AOS (Lc. Irene Finney x C. Cherry Chip)
Lyc. Corrimal 'Malcolm' AM
Lyc. Corrimal 'Malcolm' AM-AOS
Lyc. Corrimal 'Malcolm' AM-AOS
Lyc. Corrimal 'Malcolm' AM-AOS
Lyc. dowiana
Mo. Jumbo Doll 'Sunrise' (Cl. Grace Dunn x Morm. badia)
Mo. Jumbo Doll 'Sunrise' (Cl. Grace Dunn x Morm. badia)
Mo. Jumbo Doll (Cl. Grace Dunn x Morm. badia)
Mo. Painted Desert x Ctsm. ivaneae 'SVO'
Morm. Aftermath 'Killer Color'
Morm. Danielle Anastasia Gallagher 'Red Riot' (Morm. andreetae x Morm. badia)
Morm. Exotic Treat x Morm. Aftermath 'Red Ripper'
Morm. Ignition (Morm. Mark Mills x Morm. ignea)
Morm. Ignition (Morm. Mark Mills x Morm. ignea)
Morm. Ignition (Morm. Mark Mills x Morm. ignea)
Morm. Jumbo Bacia x Ctsm. ivaneae 'Best'
Morm. Jumbo Bacia x Ctsm. ivaneae 'Best'
Morm. Jumbo Bacia x Ctsm. Orchidglade
Morm. Mimi 'SVO' AM-AOS (Morm. ignea x Morm. lawrenciana)
Morm. Solar Flare 'Orange' (Morm. ignea x Morm. Aftermath)
Morm. Solar Flare (Morm ignea x Morm. Aftermath) 'Orange'
Morm. Solar Flare (Morm ignea x Morm. Aftermath) 'Orange'
Paph. barbigerum fma album 'Oside Cutie' AM-AOS
Paph. dianthum fma album 'O'side's Memoria JR' HCC-AOS
Paph. villosum 'Oside's Special' AM-AOS
Paph. wardii 'Oside's Rattlesnake' FCC-AOS
Paph. wardii fma album 'Oside's Moss' AM-AOS
Pescatorea cerina x Pescatoria coronaria
Pot. Laszlo's Spark x Pot. Exotic Sunset
Pot. Laszlo's Spark x Pot. Exotic Sunset 'Wowzer'
Pot. Laszlo's Spark x Pot. Exotic Sunset 'Wowzer'
Pot. Martha Clarke 'Amazing' (Blc. Love Sound x Slc. Circle of Life)
Pot. Paradise Rose x Pot. Chloe Bruce
Pot. Rubescence x Lc. Aloha Case
Pot. Rubescent Magic 'Love'n it' (Pot. Rubescence x Lc. Tokyo Magic)
Pot. Ruby Delight x Pot. Mem. Alida Laboy
Pot. Velvet Tiger (C. Mareeba Tiger x Pot. Mem. Louise Boersma
Pptm. Ada's Choice (Pptm. Bumble Bee x Pptm. Mathina)
Sl. Beautiful Sunset (Sl. Orpetii x L. sincorana)
Sl. Beautiful Sunset (Sl. Orpetii x L. sincorana)
Slc. Ayrton Senna x Slc. Star of Life
Slc. Bella del Caribe (Slc. Angel's Fantasy x Sc. Beaufort)
Slc. Cosmic Angel x Pot. Cosmic Sparks
Slc. Cosmic Angel x Pot. Cosmic Sparks
Slc. Seagulls Apricot x Lc. Sacramento Rose 'Black Red Lip'
Slc. Seagulls Apricot x Lc. Sacramento Rose 'Black Red Lip'
Soph. brevipedunculata x L. esalquena 'SVO Super Cute'
Zga. Happy Bay x Zga. Kudos
All Images and web content Copyright © Sunset Valley Orchids (SVO)